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CANOE+ Report
INR 750.00 + GST(18%)
Career Report
(CANOE+ included)
CAREER - Shakti
INR 1500.00 + GST(18%)
Shakti Reports
(CANOE+ included)
INR 2500.00 + GST(18%)
MANAGER - Shakti
INR 2500.00 + GST(18%)
SALES - Shakti
INR 2500.00 + GST(18%)
LEADER - Shakti
INR 2500.00 + GST(18%)
TEACHER - Shakti
INR 2000.00 + GST(18%)
JODI Reports
(CANOE+ included)
For Comparative trait maps between two individuals
JODI Report
INR 3000.00 + GST(18%)
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eferral Knowledge Consultant Name
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Amitava Mukherji
Hemant Deshpande
Rajendra Ghare
Sunil Godse
CB5 Knowledge Consultants are experienced individuals from the industry or academics who are familiar with psychometric assessment, organization development, coaching and counselling.
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CANOE+ Report
Sample Report Snapshot
The CANOE+ Report is a detailed Normed Personality Report. This Report gives a mapping of your behavioral choices on the Five Factors along with 25 sub traits. All the 25 sub traits are independent and are generated based on your responses compared with a norm group.
The specificity of the sub traits gives you a sharper mirror image for introspection and heightened self awareness.
Operations Shakti
Sample Report Snapshot
The Operations Shakti is based on the CANOE+ personality map on the Five Factor Model.
This report is useful for people in an Individual Contributor Role. 8 Competencies have been outlined for this Shakti report. The Ideal Trait Energy combinations for each competency have been identified based on the definition of each competency. An individual's actual trait energies are compared with the ideal trait energies. The natural energy to perform on a competency is computed by comparing an individual's trait energy on CB5 with IDEAL trait energy combinations.
This report DOES NOT measure ACTUAL PERFORMANCE at work.
It is used for Selection and Individual Development.
Manager Shakti
Sample Report Snapshot
The Manager Shakti is based on the CANOE+ personality map on the Five Factor Model. This report is useful for people in a Managerial Role. 9 Competencies have been outlined for this Shakti report. The Ideal Trait Energy combinations for each competency have been identified based on the definition of each competency. An individual's actual trait energies are compared with the ideal trait energies. The natural energy to perform on a competency is computed by comparing an individual's trait energy on CB5 with IDEAL trait energy combinations.
This report DOES NOT measure ACTUAL PERFORMANCE at work.
It can be used for Selection, Promotion, Individual Development and Managerial Effectiveness.
Sales Shakti
Sample Report Snapshot
The Sales Shakti is based on the CANOE+ personality map on the Five Factor Model.
This report is useful for people in a Sales Role.
7 Competencies have been outlined for this Shakti report. The Ideal Trait Energy combinations for each competency have been identified based on the definition of each competency. An individual's actual trait energies are compared with the ideal trait energies. The natural energy to perform on a competency is computed by comparing an individual's trait energy on CB5 with IDEAL trait energy combinations.
This report DOES NOT measure ACTUAL PERFORMANCE at work.
It can be used for Selection, Placement, Individual Development and Managerial Effectiveness.
Leader Shakti
Sample Report Snapshot
The Leader Shakti is based on the CANOE+ personality map on the Five Factor Model.
This report is useful for people in a Leadership Role.
12 Competencies have been outlined for this Shakti report. The Ideal Trait Energy combinations for each competency have been identified based on the definition of each competency. An individual's actual trait energies are compared with the ideal trait energies. The natural energy to perform on a competency is computed by comparing an individual's trait energy on CB5 with IDEAL trait energy combinations.
This report DOES NOT measure ACTUAL PERFORMANCE at work.
It can be used for Selection, Promotion, Leadership Development and Executive Coaching.
Teacher Shakti
Sample Report Snapshot
The TEACHER SHAKTI report is primarily useful for anyone involved in the Teaching Profession ie Teachers, Professors, Facilitators, Trainers, Coaches etc.
The TEACHER SHAKTI helps the individual to understand one’s PERSONALITY or SWABHAV and its contribution towards Effective Teacher Behaviours. 9 BEHAVIOURAL COMPETENCIES that contribute towards heightened TEACHING have been identified.The Teacher Shakti report gives a map of Individual Shakti on these 9 Behaviour Competencies.
It is a map of Individual Personality and its likely impact on TEACHING BEHAVIOUR. It is NOT a measure of Actual Teacher Behaviour or Performance on the Competencies.
Jodi Report
Sample Report Snapshot
Jodi Report
is based on the CANOE+ personality map on the Five Factor Model. The Jodi Report requires the two individuals to complete the CB5 questionnaire and consent to generating the Jodi Report. It helps you to identify areas of alignment and conflict between two people.
The Jodi Report compares the scores of 2 individuals on all the 5 Super traits + 25 subtraits. This Report brings about a heightened self awareness and also leads to appreciation of the behaviour preferences of the other. It will help to enhance interpersonal sensitivity, acceptance of the other, resulting in better collaborative ways/efforts, cooperation and improved alignment among individuals.
Career Shakti
Sample Report Snapshot
The Career Shakti report tells you how your personality gives you Energy, Shakti to pursue a particular interest area based on your Trait preferences.
The Career Shakti Report uses the Holland Occupational Themes. According to this theory, People work best in work environments that match their preferences. Most people are a combination of the 6 Holland Interest areas:
R - Realistic, I - Investigative, A - Artistic, S - Social, E - Enterprising, C - Conventional
The Career Shakti report tells you how your personality gives you Energy, 'Shakti' to pursue any of these interests. The Optimum Trait Energy combinations for each interest have been identified. An individual's actual trait energies and combinations are compared with the optimum trait energies for the particular interest. The natural energy to pursue an interest is computed by comparing YOUR personality trait energy on CB5 with IDEAL trait energy combinations.
This report DOES NOT measure ACTUAL PERFORMANCE in school, college or at work.
It is used for Career guidance for students from X onwards as well as for employees who are looking for a career change
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