Chatur Big5 Certification
Why do We Behave the Way We Do?
Find out how Personality impacts
*My Behaviour *Team Behaviour *Leadership *Managerial Effectiveness *Selection *Business Results..
Attend CB5 Certification Program on 21,22,23,28,29 March 2025, Online CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Download Brochure
Here is an attempt to answer the questions from various perspectives.
"SHAKTI" means power and energy! Every individual is born with a Personality or Swabhav, that serves as the source of one’s natural Shakti to excel in various contexts in life. It is this innate Personality that drives the behavior of an individual and constitutes a major element that influences outcomes in various situations. CB5 Psychometric Test is used to measure Personality/Swabhav. The CB5 online Psychometric Test is based on the Big5 Model of Personality. In addition the CB5 Psychometric Test has been used to develop a suite of SHAKTI Reports. The SHAKTI Report gives the user an understanding and measure of natural energies one possesses towards performance. The CB5 - online Personality Test is used to generate various SHAKTI reports for variety of uses Career guidance, Leadership Development, Managerial Effectiveness, Sales Orientation, Operational efficiencies, Interpersonal and Team Development and various other possibilities. It is essential to note that the Shakti Reports measure the natural energy one’s Personality/Swabhav provides for performance. The Shakti reports do not measure the actual performance of an individual.
Select the right career and work environment that matches your personality.
This report is helpful for someone who is responsible for leading large teams.
This report is helpful for someone who is managing a team of 2 or more people.
This report is helpful for someone who is responsible for selling a product or service and has targets to achieve.
This report is helpful for someone who is responsible their own work and not that of other.
This report primarily useful for anyone involved in the Teaching Profession.
Helps you to identify areas of alignment and conflict between two people.
Helpful to estimate of the Role each team member is likely to be good at based on the Belbin Team Role Model.
Chatur Big5 (CB5) is an online Psychometric Test which is a measure of Personality. CB5 is based on the Big5 Model of Personality, normed on an Indian representative population. We are proud of the eminence of the users of CB5 Psychometric Test and ... We firmly believe in CONFIDENTIALITY of all our reports and data. CB5 has a very wide Client Base spread across
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