To continue the story ….
As THE CHIEF of Fire Fighters of the Town what should be your behaviour in the given context?
Maybe all he needs to do is be in the background and watch as the Team of Fire fighters and their UNIT head engage in fire fighting.
He only needs to be the extra pair of eyes and ears watching over his Team.
Being the enabler, ensuring that his team of fire fighters has all the means to execute well. Using the opportunity to see for himself how action takes place on the ground.
Knowing that his presence itself can create HUGE pressure on the TEAM efficacy and performance, he needs to pull himself back out of the spotlight and try to become invisible. Let his men do the job because otherwise despite his best intentions he will become NOISE and a NUISANCE!
After the job is done ENGAGE, PRAISE, Review, CHALLENGE for even better PERFORMANCE and MOTIVATE, give feedback to his TEAM LEADS team members, develop and improve systems; engage to explore the 5 Ws and 1 H on how his Fire Department can minimize incidence of FIRE; and even if FIRE happens; how the systems can ensure that it is doused with minimum damage and loss. He needs to share his vision and communicate and motivate all around to align and execute the VISION.
Do you see the difference in the Attitude and BEHAVIOURs of a FIRE FIGHTER, UNIT HEAD and a LEADER?
Do you see differences in the SKILLS and Knowledge of each ROLE?
What would you add change or remove from the list of RIGHT BEHAVIOURS in EACH ROLE?
It would also be a good idea to reflect on your current roles at HOME or at the WORKPLACE with the above examples.
Comments, Suggestions and Story/Theme Contributions are always WELCOME!
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