Great goals are achieved when there’s a focused effort while taking into account all the possible variables. They say great changes come from within. Have you ever wondered what makes something great? It is the quality of person, thing, place or experience that adds positively and heightens all that comes in contact with it. For instance, a great personality adds to not just their own life but to the community as well.
“Great things are achieved with the first step”, is a well-known quote. The secret lies in the fact that it is not just the commencement but the continued efforts and step-by-step execution to stay on track.
How do we bring greatness to our everyday life? One of the possible answers is the word ‘motivation’. If we can discover a person’s source of motivation, we can understand a great deal about them. Motivation is the source of inspiration; a source of constant energy to achieve goals. The quality of this motivation- whether it is a strong one or not, will decide the success of the tasks one undertakes. It is often motivation alone that sets a ‘leader’ apart from the rest. The self-starter spirit, the open-mindedness to new ideas and the ability to put in the required effort to set up and achieve a goal are all linked very closely to a person’s motivation levels.
The fact of life or situations is that problems do arise. No matter how many safeguards one has, hurdles come up as there are a hundred different variables that make our lives come together. For example, the relationship between colleagues could be ineffective due to miscommunication and misunderstanding; or the task taken up by a team may take longer to complete than they anticipated. Motivation helps to remind us that when there are problems, it is important to keep going on ahead. The spirit to keep one’s eyes on the prize and spread the cheer amongst the people is the force to keep living for.
This spirit can be drawn from a number of places. One of those can be by pursuing a hobby or a sport. As clichéd as it may sound, spending quality time doing something one truly loves helps develop a healthy mind and body. Going for a long bike-ride, swimming, traveling, reading or pursuing music, all bring to us a different flavour to our everyday lives, engaging the mind in activities to activate it. An outgoing, people-oriented person could indulge in playing team sport; a person who is detail-oriented could dabble in studying entomology- the possibilities are endless and just by trying something new, it re-kindles the thirst for knowledge and a sense of achievement that boots the self-esteem.Family, friends and our social circles keep us refreshed and active. Even simple conversations can boost up our mood. Learning about someone else’s experiences motivates us to do follow through on our own, making it important to have social interactions – be it social media or in real life. All the different aspects of life bring together a complex and well-rounded personality.
Family, friends and our social circles keep us refreshed and active. Even simple conversations can boost up our mood. Learning about someone else’s experiences motivates us to do follow through on our own, making it important to have social interactions – be it social media or in real life. All the different aspects of life bring together a complex and well-rounded personality.
Learn more about your Personality and motivation. Take the CB5 test!
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